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In order to facilitate the mobility of consumers, Haitong Bank provides the service of switching accounts to another payment service provider and also assists in the process of opening an account with another payment service provider.
The account switching service is a service for consumers that aims to facilitate the switching of payment accounts to another national payment service provider, quickly and simply.
With this service you will be able to handle all the procedures related to the change of payment account, saving time and resources.
Whenever you want to open a payment account with a payment service provider located in another Member State of the European Union, Haitong Bank assists and provides all the information relevant to the execution of that process and the transfer of the balance in the account with Haitong Bank, as well as closing that account, if requested.
Both banking institutions involved collaborate with the client in all the necessary procedures so that any of these processes can run quickly and without incident.
The destination bank (chosen by you) may be the preferred point of contact to accompany you in all steps of the process, ensuring the necessary contacts are established with Haitong Bank.
Adhesion to the Account Change Service
To subscribe to the Account Change Service, the customer must request, in writing, this intention from the Bank for which he intends to change his account (receiving payment service provider), by filling in the Account Change Request form.
If the account has more than one holder, the authorization must be signed by all account holders.
When requesting an account change, the customer needs to authorize, on an individual basis, the tasks that he wants to be covered by this service, namely:
The customer must indicate the date for the transfer of services to take place, the date until which they will continue to be performed by the transferring payment service provider.
Request from the receiving payment service provider to the transferring payment service provider:
Within two working days from the date of receipt of the form identified in 2. with the customer's request or authorization, the receiving payment service provider must request the transferring payment service provider to perform the following tasks, if provided in authorization:
Duties of the transferring payment service provider:
The transferring payment service provider, when receiving a request from the receiving payment service provider, must perform the following tasks, if provided for in the authorization provided by the customer:
If there are other legal relationships that may be affected by the closing of the account on the date provided in the authorization provided by the customer, the transferring payment service provider informs the customer of this fact and its consequences.
Receiving payment service provider:
Within five working days of receiving the requested information from the transferring payment service provider, the receiving payment service provider carries out, under the terms of the authorization and to the extent that the information provided by the transferring payment service provider or by the customer allow him to do so, the following tasks:
Commissions due in the change process:
In cases where the Bank is a transferring or receiving payment service provider, the services associated with the account switching process have no associated cost or commission. However, under the terms of the respective price list, fees may be charged by the Bank for services related to the balance transfer.
Alternative dispute resolution:
Without prejudice to the client's access to the competent judicial means, Haitong Bank ensures that the respective payment service users have access to effective and appropriate out-of-court means of complaint and dispute resolution, with a value equal to or less than the jurisdiction of the courts of first instance, regarding the rights and obligations established in Decree-Law No. 107/2017, of 30 August.
Under current legislation, Haitong Bank informs that it has joined the following alternative dispute resolution entities:
Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center (CACCL):
National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts (CNIACC):
For more information about this service, contact the Compliance Department:
Phone: +351 211 96900
Email: compliance@haitongib.com
Address: Rua Alexandre Herculano, 38, 1269-180 Lisboa - Portugal