Commercial Paper Programme

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Haitong Bank's Macau Branch was established in October 2021 and continues to be very well-positioned to assist with Haitong Bank’s business expansion in China and the Asia-Pacific region. The Branch takes competitive advantage of Haitong’s worldwide deep-rooted presence together with its Chinese heritage, leveraging on business opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and strengthening the "China Angle" strategy in its business development. The Branch offers a combination of expertise in capital markets, fixed income, corporate and project financing, and cross-border mergers and acquisitions services
Haitong Bank's Macau Branch also aims to act as a gateway to the other Haitong Group business platforms in Asia, notably, the Group’s parent company Haitong Securities Co. Ltd. The Group has global capabilities across developed and emerging markets with a product offering comprising securities intermediation, investment banking, financial leasing, asset management, and private equity.
Awards and Achievements
In 2022, the Macau Branch won the "Underwriting Contribution Award" from the Macao Central Securities Depository and Clearing Limited (MCSD). In 2023, the Macau Branch won the "Outstanding Secondary Market Trading Institution Award" from the Macao Central Securities Depository and Clearing Limited (MCSD).
2022年度,荣获澳门中央证券托管结算公司(MCSD)颁发的 “承销贡献奖”
Commercial Paper Programme
Commercial Paper Programme
Technical Listing
Public Bond & Exchange Offer
Term Loan Facility for the development of a real estate project in Lisbon
Acquisition of the gas turbine business from MAN Energy Solutions (Pending Completion)
Public Bond and Exchange Offer
Senior Loan to the Mota-Engil Group
Public Bond & Exchange Offer
Commercial Paper Programme
Reopening of 4.75% Sustainability-linked bonds due 2029
Public Bond Issue
Commercial Paper Programme
Commercial Paper Programme
5.0% Sustainability-linked bonds due 2029
Finance of a 83,2MW Wind Farm in Poland for
(subsidiary of Greenvolt)
Loan Facility to MaxSolar - Greenvolt Group
4.75% Sustainability-linked bonds
due 2029
Noteholders' Consent Solicitation
“Greenvolt Notes 2021/2028”
total outstanding amount €100m
Commercial Paper Programme
Technical Listing
Public Bond & Exchange Offer
Public Bond & Exchange Offer
Sale of a Solar PV Plant
(25 MW)
5.30% Sustainability-linked bonds
due 2029
Bank Guarantee
Bank Guarantee
Commercial Notes under ICVM 160 BRL 125,0 MM
Sale of a 3MW solar PV portfolio in Spain of Aquaplus to Sonnedix España
Financial Advisory to CTG Europe in the acquisition of a 572MW Solar PV Portfolio from X-Elio
Bond Tap Issue of € 35,600,000 on their €27,700,000 April-2028 5.40% senior unsecured bond
Senior Unsecured Schuldchein Loan
Syndicated Loan Facility Term Loan Facility 487,800,000 EUR & 537,700,000 USD Working Capital Loan Facility 180,000,000 USD VAT Loan Facility 150,000,000 PLN
Syndicated Loan Facility PLN 8,255,000,000 & EUR 506,000,000
Bond Issue
6.28% Bonds due 2026
6.50% Bonds due 2026
6.5% Bonds due 2026
7.5% Bonds due 2026
4.85% Bonds due 2026
5.60% Bonds due 2027
3.10% Bonds
due 2027
3.10% Bonds
due 2027
6.00% Bonds
due 2027
6.00% Bonds
due 2027
6.40% Bonds due 2027
3.30% Bonds due 2027
6.50% Sustainable Senior Bonds
due 2027
6.50% Bonds due 2027
Haitong Bank, Macau Branch
Avenida Doutor Mário Soares, 300 – 322
Finance and IT Centre of Macau
20th floor, F, Macau
澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路300 - 322号
+853 8290 1000
+853 8290 1099